I'm really behind on this post, but back on October 29th my little Buster Bear celebrated his 8th Birthday! Luckily we had power when we sang happy birthday to him but lost it shortly after for a full week due to Hurricane Sandy. After that we went our our trip to London and Paris, came home and were in the full swing of the holidays. That's why this is going up nearly two months later.
Below are a few photos of Buster's birthday cupcake celebration. I found this great doggie bakery in Boonton called the Bubba Rose Biscuit Company that had really awesome homemade treats - everything from cupcakes to real cakes and even cannolis and a variety of cookies. He absolutely loved this cupcake (I think it was made of carrots and peanut butter with the carob topping). So cute!
Poor Buster has had bad weather on his birthday for the last two years. Two years ago it was a freak snowstorm and resulted in us losing power for 4 days. This year it was Hurricane Sandy that left us cold and without power again (well, we had a small generator to keep the fridges going and some lights) for a week. Hopefully next year our little baby will be good luck and Buster will have good weather, power for his birthday, and a little brother to share the treats with!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
New Recipes: Honey Balls and Pignoli Cookies
As part of my 2012 new years resolution to try new recipes, I was able to tackle two for Christmas by making pignoli cookies and honey balls (Struffoli). I thought they came out pretty good but next time would recommend making them the day of, or at least coat the honey day of, so they keep that pretty shine.
20 Week Sonogram. It's a... ?
We went to the doctors on Christmas Eve Day and received the best present of all: getting to see our baby and hear reports that he's growing healthy and strong. At 20 weeks, our little miracle weighs 13 ounces and had a heart rate of 146. The examined the heart, brain, fingers, feet, kidneys, distance from the eyes, placenta, blood flow and much more, and thank God all looks good so far.
We also found out we're having a BOY! Here's a picture of our little guy :)
We also found out we're having a BOY! Here's a picture of our little guy :)
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Things NOT to say to a Pregnant Woman
Although I'm starting to slow slightly, I'm amazed at what two people have said so far - one of whom was my darling husband:
Didn't your moms ever tell you if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all? Granted pregnant women want to maintain a healthy weight gain but as long as we're having a healthy, normal baby who cares if you look like an elf or having twins?
- "How's it feel to be getting fat?"
- "You're getting huge" - Rob isn't very tactful with pregnant people since he recently told one of our friends who is pregnant "You're ginormous!" This poor girl also had people asking her if she was having twins when she was clearly only having one baby. Some people are so rude!!
- "You're so cute pregnant.. like a little elf!" - I'm guessing the connection is the height because Im' short and have been wearing flats lately, but really? You a) know elves and b) have seen them pregnant?
Didn't your moms ever tell you if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all? Granted pregnant women want to maintain a healthy weight gain but as long as we're having a healthy, normal baby who cares if you look like an elf or having twins?
Weeks 18 & 19
Weeks 18 and 19
How far along?: 19 weeks
Total weight gain: Between 7-9 pounds.. slowly climbing
How big is baby?: Week 18 - Bell Pepper or Sweet Potato, Week 19 - Mango
Sleep?: Still sleeping but some nights it's hard to fall asleep, or fall back asleep after getting up in the middle of the night
Best moments?: Feeling the Bambino move. I don't think that will ever get old
Movement?: Yes and I love it :)
Other symptoms: The occasional heartburn, which has been happening more than usual lately, and feeling a little winded
Food cravings?: Today I wanted biscuits and raspberry lemonade from Cracker Barrel, but I think it was more because we were talking about what to do for dinner and I was thinking of what I'd order wherever we went, and was aiming for someplace close
Food aversions: Luckily, no
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Maybe being able to sleep on my stomach but it's not the worst since I sleep with lots of pillows
Milestones: Telling more people, knowing we have the big ultrasound on the 24th, and starting to browse at baby furniture and gear today
How far along?: 19 weeks
Total weight gain: Between 7-9 pounds.. slowly climbing
How big is baby?: Week 18 - Bell Pepper or Sweet Potato, Week 19 - Mango
Sleep?: Still sleeping but some nights it's hard to fall asleep, or fall back asleep after getting up in the middle of the night
Best moments?: Feeling the Bambino move. I don't think that will ever get old
Movement?: Yes and I love it :)
Other symptoms: The occasional heartburn, which has been happening more than usual lately, and feeling a little winded
Food cravings?: Today I wanted biscuits and raspberry lemonade from Cracker Barrel, but I think it was more because we were talking about what to do for dinner and I was thinking of what I'd order wherever we went, and was aiming for someplace close
Food aversions: Luckily, no
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Maybe being able to sleep on my stomach but it's not the worst since I sleep with lots of pillows
Milestones: Telling more people, knowing we have the big ultrasound on the 24th, and starting to browse at baby furniture and gear today
Gender Predictors
Being that I'm nearly 20 weeks and we go for our big ultrasound on Monday, Dec. 24 (yay!) I figured I'd do some little predictors before to see how this pans out for boy vs. girl:
It's a boy if:You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute (The last few dopplers have been pretty steady around 155-ish)
You are carrying the extra weight out front
Your belly looks like a basketball (Too early to answer, but its definitely in front so far so maybe a deflated basketball?)
You are carrying low
You are craving salty or sour foods (Nope!)
You are craving protein -- meats and cheese (yes!)
Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy (This one is iffy since they've always been pretty cold)
The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy (n/a - I'm Italian.. enough said.)
Your hands are very dry (n/a - I've always moisturized a lot especially since it's winter)
Your pillow faces north when you sleep (don't really have a compass handy to tell..)
Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you (not sure..)
Pregnancy has you looking better than ever (I think I look about the same)
Your nose is spreading (No I don't think so)
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in circles haven't tried this)
You are having headaches (just a few, I think more in the first trimester, but nothing crazy)
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number - no
It's a girl if:
You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
Your left breast is larger than your right breast
Your hair develops red highlights
You are carrying high (Too early to tell)
Your belly looks like a watermelon (Too early to tell)
You are craving sweets (I'm surprised definitely not!)
You are craving fruit (yes!)
You crave orange juice (yep, but more so milk than OJ)
You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy (I think I look the same)
You are moodier than usual during pregnancy (I was moody? lol)
Your face breaks out more than usual (Since getting off the pill I've always had bad skin)
You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread (no)
Your pillow faces south when you sleep (again, no compass so n/a)
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves from side to side
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number - yes
So that's 3 quizzes that predict boy and 2 for girl. I'm guessing 60-40 boy, so we'll see what Monday tells us!
- The Lunar Chinese Gender Precdictor, which calculates my age and time of conception, says girl
- The other Chinese Gender Predictor on The Bump which uses my actual age rather than some Chinese age chart says boy
- Madam Z's Birth Predictor, which asks a lot of very random questions, said: "The day you deliver, outside will be cold. Your baby will arrive in the late evening. After a labor lasting approximately 16 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 10 pounds, 11 ounces, and will be 17 inches long. This child will have dark violet eyes and a little patch of brown hair." - First off, if it's that cold in May, that stinks. Second, a nearly 11-pounder? I know I keep saying all I want is a healthy baby but ouch, that's like a toddler!
- The Old Wives Tale Boy or Girl quiz said boy
It's a boy if:You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute (The last few dopplers have been pretty steady around 155-ish)
You are carrying the extra weight out front
Your belly looks like a basketball (Too early to answer, but its definitely in front so far so maybe a deflated basketball?)
You are carrying low
You are craving salty or sour foods (Nope!)
You are craving protein -- meats and cheese (yes!)
Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy (This one is iffy since they've always been pretty cold)
The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy (n/a - I'm Italian.. enough said.)
Your hands are very dry (n/a - I've always moisturized a lot especially since it's winter)
Your pillow faces north when you sleep (don't really have a compass handy to tell..)
Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you (not sure..)
Pregnancy has you looking better than ever (I think I look about the same)
Your nose is spreading (No I don't think so)
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in circles haven't tried this)
You are having headaches (just a few, I think more in the first trimester, but nothing crazy)
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number - no
It's a girl if:
You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
Your left breast is larger than your right breast
Your hair develops red highlights
You are carrying high (Too early to tell)
Your belly looks like a watermelon (Too early to tell)
You are craving sweets (I'm surprised definitely not!)
You are craving fruit (yes!)
You crave orange juice (yep, but more so milk than OJ)
You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy (I think I look the same)
You are moodier than usual during pregnancy (I was moody? lol)
Your face breaks out more than usual (Since getting off the pill I've always had bad skin)
You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread (no)
Your pillow faces south when you sleep (again, no compass so n/a)
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves from side to side
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number - yes
So that's 3 quizzes that predict boy and 2 for girl. I'm guessing 60-40 boy, so we'll see what Monday tells us!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
We have a mover.. Weeks 16 & 17 Update
Weeks 16 & 17
How far along?: Today is my last day at 17 weeks. Tomorrow marks 18 weeks - and two weeks until our next sonogram!
Total weight gain: Between 5-6 pounds.. slow and steady
How big is baby?: Week 16 - Advocado, Week 17 - Onion
Sleep?: Yes but my back is starting to hurt in the middle of the night
Best moments?: Feeling the Bambino start to move :)
Movement?: Yes!! I'm pretty sure I first felt the baby move in between week 15 and 16. It was actually on Thanksgiving Day as I was laying in bed. It felt like a little piece of popcorn popping. Since then, the baby has definitely gotten more active and for the first time tonight - Dec. 9 - Rob got to feel a kick. It's hard to concentrate on anything else once I feel the first one since I'm patiently waiting for the next kick/punch to come
Other symptoms: The last few days I've been getting heartburn on and off, with it actually waking me up in the middle of the night. The more annoying symptom is "pregnancy brain." I am definitely forgetting a lot more these days, like misplacing my cell phone or going to a different floor/room for something and forgetting what I needed to get. I always prided myself on being organized and now I feel like I'm loosing brain cells by the minute. Hopefully that means the baby will be a smart cookie!
Food cravings?: It's not really a craving but I enjoy orange juice (no pulp) or a cold glass of milk
Food aversions: Although food doesn't turn my stomach for some reason a particular mouthwash makes me feel sick
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Nothing really.. maybe a turkey sandwich or cup of coffee but not like crazy
Milestones: Besides feeling the baby move, last weekend I bought my first pairs of maternity pants. I'm officially short and fat... a size small petite in maternity!
How far along?: Today is my last day at 17 weeks. Tomorrow marks 18 weeks - and two weeks until our next sonogram!
Total weight gain: Between 5-6 pounds.. slow and steady
How big is baby?: Week 16 - Advocado, Week 17 - Onion
Sleep?: Yes but my back is starting to hurt in the middle of the night
Best moments?: Feeling the Bambino start to move :)
Movement?: Yes!! I'm pretty sure I first felt the baby move in between week 15 and 16. It was actually on Thanksgiving Day as I was laying in bed. It felt like a little piece of popcorn popping. Since then, the baby has definitely gotten more active and for the first time tonight - Dec. 9 - Rob got to feel a kick. It's hard to concentrate on anything else once I feel the first one since I'm patiently waiting for the next kick/punch to come
Other symptoms: The last few days I've been getting heartburn on and off, with it actually waking me up in the middle of the night. The more annoying symptom is "pregnancy brain." I am definitely forgetting a lot more these days, like misplacing my cell phone or going to a different floor/room for something and forgetting what I needed to get. I always prided myself on being organized and now I feel like I'm loosing brain cells by the minute. Hopefully that means the baby will be a smart cookie!
Food cravings?: It's not really a craving but I enjoy orange juice (no pulp) or a cold glass of milk
Food aversions: Although food doesn't turn my stomach for some reason a particular mouthwash makes me feel sick
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Nothing really.. maybe a turkey sandwich or cup of coffee but not like crazy
Milestones: Besides feeling the baby move, last weekend I bought my first pairs of maternity pants. I'm officially short and fat... a size small petite in maternity!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Weeks 12, 13, 14, 15
Weeks 12, 13, 14 and 15
How far along?: Yesterday marked 16 weeks, but since I'm so far behind and just starting week 16 I'm not going to count it yet :) To my defense, between being busy at work, 1+ week without power because of Hurricane Sandy and our anniversary trip, things have been busy
Total weight gain: Between 3-5 pounds - it fluctuates but I'm glad it's going up
How big is baby?: Week 12: Lime; Week 13: Tangerine; Week 14: Nectarine; Week 15: Apple
Maternity clothes?: No
Sleep?: Yes but still getting up in the middle of the night for the bathroom. I'm also at the point where I'm trying to sleep just on my side, although it just looks like a little bloat and not a big belly
Best moments?: Getting the results back of my Tay Sachs test that I'm not a carrier, and having a safe trip to London and Paris with Rob for our anniversary
Movement?: I thought I felt a little blip the other day although most websites say it may be a little early
Food cravings?: I wanted a vanilla milkshake for a while and Rob got me one when we got back from our trip - yay!
Food aversions: I've been pretty lucky and haven't had anything really turn my stomach (knock wood!)
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Nothing really, although watching what I eat around the holidays has been stressful. I accidentally had a small bite of goats cheese; drank about a cup of tea each day while in London (although I had several small cups during a tasting at the Twinnings Tea museum), and got a cold and sore throat after our trip so I had some Vitamin C cough drops. I thought that would be safer than herbal or medication cough drops.
Here's a photo from our 12 week sonogram:
Milestones: Officially in the 2nd Trimester!
How far along?: Yesterday marked 16 weeks, but since I'm so far behind and just starting week 16 I'm not going to count it yet :) To my defense, between being busy at work, 1+ week without power because of Hurricane Sandy and our anniversary trip, things have been busy
Total weight gain: Between 3-5 pounds - it fluctuates but I'm glad it's going up
How big is baby?: Week 12: Lime; Week 13: Tangerine; Week 14: Nectarine; Week 15: Apple
Maternity clothes?: No
Sleep?: Yes but still getting up in the middle of the night for the bathroom. I'm also at the point where I'm trying to sleep just on my side, although it just looks like a little bloat and not a big belly
Best moments?: Getting the results back of my Tay Sachs test that I'm not a carrier, and having a safe trip to London and Paris with Rob for our anniversary
Movement?: I thought I felt a little blip the other day although most websites say it may be a little early
Food cravings?: I wanted a vanilla milkshake for a while and Rob got me one when we got back from our trip - yay!
Food aversions: I've been pretty lucky and haven't had anything really turn my stomach (knock wood!)
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Nothing really, although watching what I eat around the holidays has been stressful. I accidentally had a small bite of goats cheese; drank about a cup of tea each day while in London (although I had several small cups during a tasting at the Twinnings Tea museum), and got a cold and sore throat after our trip so I had some Vitamin C cough drops. I thought that would be safer than herbal or medication cough drops.
Here's a photo from our 12 week sonogram:
Milestones: Officially in the 2nd Trimester!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Yes, I'm a Worry Wart
I've always had a type A personality. For example, I wouldn't change out of my uniform unless my homework was done. I'd freak if my bed wasn't made. I'd never leave my room without it being organized and everything in it's place. I studied all the time so I got good grades. Yea, that kind of crazy. What 5-year-old do you know acts like that?
Anyway, with that type A personality always came a barrell of nerves and the pressure to get straight As. That self-inflicted pressure has just gotten worse since I found out about the baby. I've opted for almost every prenatal test. I worry if what I'm eating is okay for the baby. If how I'm laying is affecting him or her. If Buster jumps on my stomach is it hurting the baby? The list has been endless. They say it's common with first time parents and I'm sure it will just get worse when my little one is born. But I want to vent about how these blood tests have been the death of me lately, especially when I just want them to come back saying everything is okay.
To start, during my first visit I had eight viles of blood taken. I don't mind the blood being withdrawn and thank God they all came back negative so I don't have any crazy disorder or disease. However, since Rob is of Jewish decent he got tested for Tay Sachs and it turns out he's a carrier. Fabulous, right? I was a wreck. I had to go for bloodwork to make sure I'm not a carrier and am now patiently waiting for those results. On top of doctors not being responsive, the blood tests taking weeks to process and the hurricane/blizzard/10+ day power outage which has managed to delay the results, it's been stressful to say the least.
Then last week I had a neuchleal translucency scan. High point: we got to see the baby again and got some really cute pictures. Low point: finding out my blood test shows a low PAPPA-A protein in the placenta, which can affect the baby's growth and put him or her at risk for Downs Syndrome. Although I'm still in the intermediate range it's still very scary to have your risk of having a baby with a chromosomal abnormality be 1 in 496 rather than 1 in >10,000. Unforunately it's all out of my control and there's nothing I can do except go for more ultrasounds to make sure the baby is developing properly. If he or she isn't growing on target by 28 weeks, I'll be put on bedrest and probably have to have the baby early. The nurse was somewhat reassuring during yesterday's appointment saying that in 85% of the cases everything is fine and that she has this conversation around 1-2 times per week. However, it's still very nerve-wracking. It's not like I'm pregnant at 45 and expecting to be in these high risk situations. I'm 29. Jeeze!
Even before the test, all I was praying for each and every day is a healthy baby and those prayers still continue in full force. Stay safe and grow strong, my little bambino. Mommy loves you! xoxo
Anyway, with that type A personality always came a barrell of nerves and the pressure to get straight As. That self-inflicted pressure has just gotten worse since I found out about the baby. I've opted for almost every prenatal test. I worry if what I'm eating is okay for the baby. If how I'm laying is affecting him or her. If Buster jumps on my stomach is it hurting the baby? The list has been endless. They say it's common with first time parents and I'm sure it will just get worse when my little one is born. But I want to vent about how these blood tests have been the death of me lately, especially when I just want them to come back saying everything is okay.
To start, during my first visit I had eight viles of blood taken. I don't mind the blood being withdrawn and thank God they all came back negative so I don't have any crazy disorder or disease. However, since Rob is of Jewish decent he got tested for Tay Sachs and it turns out he's a carrier. Fabulous, right? I was a wreck. I had to go for bloodwork to make sure I'm not a carrier and am now patiently waiting for those results. On top of doctors not being responsive, the blood tests taking weeks to process and the hurricane/blizzard/10+ day power outage which has managed to delay the results, it's been stressful to say the least.
Then last week I had a neuchleal translucency scan. High point: we got to see the baby again and got some really cute pictures. Low point: finding out my blood test shows a low PAPPA-A protein in the placenta, which can affect the baby's growth and put him or her at risk for Downs Syndrome. Although I'm still in the intermediate range it's still very scary to have your risk of having a baby with a chromosomal abnormality be 1 in 496 rather than 1 in >10,000. Unforunately it's all out of my control and there's nothing I can do except go for more ultrasounds to make sure the baby is developing properly. If he or she isn't growing on target by 28 weeks, I'll be put on bedrest and probably have to have the baby early. The nurse was somewhat reassuring during yesterday's appointment saying that in 85% of the cases everything is fine and that she has this conversation around 1-2 times per week. However, it's still very nerve-wracking. It's not like I'm pregnant at 45 and expecting to be in these high risk situations. I'm 29. Jeeze!
Even before the test, all I was praying for each and every day is a healthy baby and those prayers still continue in full force. Stay safe and grow strong, my little bambino. Mommy loves you! xoxo
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Weeks 10 & 11
Not too much has changed in the last few weeks, but here's the update:
How far along?: 11 weeks
Total weight gain: Maybe a pound or two
How big is baby?: Week 10 was the size of a kumquat - whatever that is; Week 11 is a plum
Maternity clothes?: No
Sleep?: I'm sleeping but found it's hard to fall back to sleep after I get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night
Best moment this week?: Getting our first baby gift from Aunt Cindy and Uncle Mark - an adorable baby robe! I can't wait to use it in 7 months :)
Movement?: According to my updates he or she is moving in there but I can't feel it.
Food cravings?: I haven't had any crazy cravings yet - or at least nothing out of the ordinary since even before I was pregnant I could always "go for something." One day during last two weeks I had a craving for Pasta Fagioli soup so I ordered it for lunch the next day. I also could have gone for a grilled chicken gyro with waffle fries or a Greek salad, although I never really was a big fry person and I can't have the feta cheese on a Greek salad. We were all ready to have that for dinner and then Rob's mom weighed in saying it wasn't healthy for the baby - although I'm not sure how grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato and pita bread is unhealthy. Either way, that killed my desire for that dish.. for now.
Food aversions: It's not a food but lately my mouthwash has made me want to gag when I use it
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Nothing really lately
What I'm looking forward to: I'm looking forward to seeing the baby on the songoram again nexy week but also somewhat nervous for the nucheal translucency test. Fingers crossed it comes out okay.
- Not feeling exhausted at night - a huge step!
- Telling my bosses and HR this week.
- According to my weekly pregnancy updates, it's an exciting week for the baby:
Starting with week 11, the baby is now officially called a fetus. Your baby has continued to grow. Now almost two inches long, your little one has been engaged in some heavy acrobatics, kicking, and stretching inside your womb. Remember, even though she is getting bigger, it may be some weeks before you feel her moving around. His skin, though still paper thin and transparent, is forming a protective barrier around his body. His tiny fingers and toes have begun to separate into unique extremities, and he's also begun to open and close his fists. The first signs of where her teeth will form appear this week, as tiny tooth buds begin to pop under her gums. She may even have her first case of the hiccups, as her diaphragm begins to develop.
How far along?: 11 weeks
Total weight gain: Maybe a pound or two
How big is baby?: Week 10 was the size of a kumquat - whatever that is; Week 11 is a plum
Maternity clothes?: No
Sleep?: I'm sleeping but found it's hard to fall back to sleep after I get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night
Best moment this week?: Getting our first baby gift from Aunt Cindy and Uncle Mark - an adorable baby robe! I can't wait to use it in 7 months :)
Movement?: According to my updates he or she is moving in there but I can't feel it.
Food cravings?: I haven't had any crazy cravings yet - or at least nothing out of the ordinary since even before I was pregnant I could always "go for something." One day during last two weeks I had a craving for Pasta Fagioli soup so I ordered it for lunch the next day. I also could have gone for a grilled chicken gyro with waffle fries or a Greek salad, although I never really was a big fry person and I can't have the feta cheese on a Greek salad. We were all ready to have that for dinner and then Rob's mom weighed in saying it wasn't healthy for the baby - although I'm not sure how grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato and pita bread is unhealthy. Either way, that killed my desire for that dish.. for now.
Food aversions: It's not a food but lately my mouthwash has made me want to gag when I use it
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Nothing really lately
What I'm looking forward to: I'm looking forward to seeing the baby on the songoram again nexy week but also somewhat nervous for the nucheal translucency test. Fingers crossed it comes out okay.
- Not feeling exhausted at night - a huge step!
- Telling my bosses and HR this week.
- According to my weekly pregnancy updates, it's an exciting week for the baby:
Starting with week 11, the baby is now officially called a fetus. Your baby has continued to grow. Now almost two inches long, your little one has been engaged in some heavy acrobatics, kicking, and stretching inside your womb. Remember, even though she is getting bigger, it may be some weeks before you feel her moving around. His skin, though still paper thin and transparent, is forming a protective barrier around his body. His tiny fingers and toes have begun to separate into unique extremities, and he's also begun to open and close his fists. The first signs of where her teeth will form appear this week, as tiny tooth buds begin to pop under her gums. She may even have her first case of the hiccups, as her diaphragm begins to develop.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Baby's First Picture
October 10th was a very, very exciting day. We had our first sonogram!
Of course Rob played it cool but it was definitely a mix of emotions for me - the fear that something might be wrong, worry that we might not hear a heartbeat and the excitement of seeing the baby for the first time. Thankfully, everything is on track for a May 13 due date and the baby appears to be healthy. I actually let out a little scream when I saw the arms and legs move - which startled the doctor - and I shed a few tears when I heard the heartbeat. I actually asked her to turn the sound on again so I could hear it again. Never in my life have I seen or heard something so amazing. I still get teary eyed thinking about it and can only imagine what a wonderful and emotional journey we have ahead.
Of course Rob played it cool but it was definitely a mix of emotions for me - the fear that something might be wrong, worry that we might not hear a heartbeat and the excitement of seeing the baby for the first time. Thankfully, everything is on track for a May 13 due date and the baby appears to be healthy. I actually let out a little scream when I saw the arms and legs move - which startled the doctor - and I shed a few tears when I heard the heartbeat. I actually asked her to turn the sound on again so I could hear it again. Never in my life have I seen or heard something so amazing. I still get teary eyed thinking about it and can only imagine what a wonderful and emotional journey we have ahead.
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Our Bambino Week 9 |
Weeks 8 & 9
How far along?: 9 weeks and a few days :)
Total weight gain: Maybe a pound or so - not sure it fluctuates
How big is baby?: Week 8 was the size of a raspberry; Week 9 is a cherry or olive
Maternity clothes?: No
Sleep?: I'll get up once or twice a night for the bathroom and still tired early
Best moment this week?: Definitely the sonogram!
Movement?: He or she is moving in there but I can't feel it. It was sooo amazing to see the arms wiggle a bit on the sonogram
Food cravings?: During week 7/8 I had a crazy craving for a shrimp tempura roll. When I finally had it, I was surprised it wasn't as delicious as I expected. I also wanted a white cheese and spinach pizza so we got it from our local pizza place and it wasn't very good. So far my cravings aren't meeting my expectations, although Rob seems to enjoy me wanting to eat out more
Food aversions: Anything green seems to make me queasy (broccoli rabe, salad, spinach) and red peppers give me heartburn for days
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: I could go for a cup of coffee or a turkey sandwich or a spicy tuna roll - none of which I can have
What I'm looking forward to: Telling my Grandma and Poppy on Saturday
Milestone: There were two this week - 1) The first sonogram: hearing the heartbeat and finally seeing our little miracle 2) Telling my grandparents they were going to have their first great grandchild :)
Total weight gain: Maybe a pound or so - not sure it fluctuates
How big is baby?: Week 8 was the size of a raspberry; Week 9 is a cherry or olive
Maternity clothes?: No
Sleep?: I'll get up once or twice a night for the bathroom and still tired early
Best moment this week?: Definitely the sonogram!
Movement?: He or she is moving in there but I can't feel it. It was sooo amazing to see the arms wiggle a bit on the sonogram
Food cravings?: During week 7/8 I had a crazy craving for a shrimp tempura roll. When I finally had it, I was surprised it wasn't as delicious as I expected. I also wanted a white cheese and spinach pizza so we got it from our local pizza place and it wasn't very good. So far my cravings aren't meeting my expectations, although Rob seems to enjoy me wanting to eat out more
Food aversions: Anything green seems to make me queasy (broccoli rabe, salad, spinach) and red peppers give me heartburn for days
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: I could go for a cup of coffee or a turkey sandwich or a spicy tuna roll - none of which I can have
What I'm looking forward to: Telling my Grandma and Poppy on Saturday
Milestone: There were two this week - 1) The first sonogram: hearing the heartbeat and finally seeing our little miracle 2) Telling my grandparents they were going to have their first great grandchild :)
The Bambino: Weeks 6 & 7
When I wrote this post, it was marking week 7! During week 6 we went to the doctor to confirm the pregnancy and stock up on reading material about what not to eat, what tests to consider getting and confirm the due date of May 13. We go back to the doctor on October 10th to hear the heart beat and see what the little bambino is up to!
How far along?: 7 weeks
Total weight gain: 0
How big is baby?: Week 6 was the size of a pea; Week 7 is a blueberry
Maternity clothes?: No
Sleep?: Yes, and I'm definitely feeling more tired. Lately I'm tired by 7:30 and on the couch by 9
Best moment this week?: Last week going to the doctor and having her say everything looks good so far
Movement?: He or she is just getting cozy; too small for movement
Food cravings?: Not yet, although I do go through waves of nausea which is really frustrating and not fun
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Since I'm so tired I could go for a cup of coffee to give me a jolt but am staying away from caffeine
What I'm looking forward to: Our doctors appointment on the 10th to hear the heartbeat
Milestone: Telling our parents and siblings. My moms reaction was the best. And for some reason my siblings and their signficant others all had a strange feeling we were expecting.
How far along?: 7 weeks
Total weight gain: 0
How big is baby?: Week 6 was the size of a pea; Week 7 is a blueberry
Maternity clothes?: No
Sleep?: Yes, and I'm definitely feeling more tired. Lately I'm tired by 7:30 and on the couch by 9
Best moment this week?: Last week going to the doctor and having her say everything looks good so far
Movement?: He or she is just getting cozy; too small for movement
Food cravings?: Not yet, although I do go through waves of nausea which is really frustrating and not fun
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Since I'm so tired I could go for a cup of coffee to give me a jolt but am staying away from caffeine
What I'm looking forward to: Our doctors appointment on the 10th to hear the heartbeat
Milestone: Telling our parents and siblings. My moms reaction was the best. And for some reason my siblings and their signficant others all had a strange feeling we were expecting.
And Baby Will Make 4!
I'm very excited to share that we're finally pregnant! Buster will be a big brother come mid-May and Rob and I will embark on the exciting adventure of parenting!
They always say it happens when you least expect it and boy did it ever. After debating a vacation for the last few months we finally booked a trip to London and Paris to celebrate our five year anniversary back in August. Since it's taken nearly a year for it to actually happen, I figured the odds were against us. Coupling that with the our busy travel schedules for work, never in a million years did I think we'd get pregnant this time around! But I'm very excited, thankful and relieved it finally happened.
I know this post is a little delayed but we didn't want to jinx anything by sharing the news too early. However, I still wanted to document some special miletsones along the pregnancy so I snagged the below from a friends blog to help keep track of the details. I'll also try to post pictures documenting the belly bump along the way :)
How far along?: 5 weeks
Total weight gain: 0
How big is baby?: Estimated to be about the size of a seed (I've read orange seed or sesame seed)
Maternity clothes?: Better not be!
Sleep?: Yes, and I'm definitely feeling more tired
Best moment this week?: The four positive pregnancy tests
Movement?: He or she is just getting cozy; too small for movement
Food cravings?: Not yet
Labor signs?: None for a long time
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Nothing major yet, but there are a few things I know I'll miss already!
What I'm looking forward to: Telling our families and friends
Milestone: We're pregnant!!!!!
They always say it happens when you least expect it and boy did it ever. After debating a vacation for the last few months we finally booked a trip to London and Paris to celebrate our five year anniversary back in August. Since it's taken nearly a year for it to actually happen, I figured the odds were against us. Coupling that with the our busy travel schedules for work, never in a million years did I think we'd get pregnant this time around! But I'm very excited, thankful and relieved it finally happened.
I know this post is a little delayed but we didn't want to jinx anything by sharing the news too early. However, I still wanted to document some special miletsones along the pregnancy so I snagged the below from a friends blog to help keep track of the details. I'll also try to post pictures documenting the belly bump along the way :)
How far along?: 5 weeks
Total weight gain: 0
How big is baby?: Estimated to be about the size of a seed (I've read orange seed or sesame seed)
Maternity clothes?: Better not be!
Sleep?: Yes, and I'm definitely feeling more tired
Best moment this week?: The four positive pregnancy tests
Movement?: He or she is just getting cozy; too small for movement
Food cravings?: Not yet
Labor signs?: None for a long time
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Nothing major yet, but there are a few things I know I'll miss already!
What I'm looking forward to: Telling our families and friends
Milestone: We're pregnant!!!!!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Buster's Food Shopping Trip
We needed to get Buster some more dog food so we brought him on his foodshopping trip to PetSmart. He doesn't have too much of a choice with his food but he's always up for an outing!
Surprise! Happy 55th, Dad!
Since my Dad is always so good to all of us, we thought it would be a nice idea to throw him a surprise 55th birthday party the day before his birthday, June 16. He knew he was coming over to our house for dinner with my siblings and their spouses, but little did he know that his parents, sister, her kids, their kids and some other cousins would be there as an added bonus.
We definitely lucked out that day, as the weather was perfect and everyone was able to make it. Below are a few pictures from the party:
We definitely lucked out that day, as the weather was perfect and everyone was able to make it. Below are a few pictures from the party:
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Appetizer time before the guest of honor arrives |
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Guests relaxing in the backyard |
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Waiting to yell surprise |
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He had no clue |
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Chef Rob grilling up some specialties |
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Matthew and Poppy |
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Joe, Grandma and Gwen |
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A bunch of Joe's: My Dad (Joe), Uncle Joe, Aunt Jay (aka Josephine), Joe and Brandon |
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TT and Baby Matthew |
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Party Time! |
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Happy 55th Birthday, Dad! |
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Since June is a popular month ,we also sang to Baby Joseph, Baby Matthew and his dad, Matthew, who all celebrated birthdays that week! |
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We didn't mess around with food.. this was just one fridge, not including the catered food and items already out. Lucky me, I didn't have to cook for a week! |
Buckle-up, Buster!
Yesterday I came across a Petside.com article which said "New Jersey is now the only state in the country where driving with pets loose in the car is a violation of animal cruelty law. Drivers who do not secure their pet can face a ticket of $250 to $1,000 and up to six months in jail. Additionally, allowing your pets to hang his head out the window, having him riding in the back of a truck or curling up on the driver’s lap are also ticket-able offenses under the law." Since I'm not looking for a ticket (or jail time for that matter) and always have Buster's health and well-being as a priority, I went out last night on a mission to get my precious pooch a seatbelt.
Buster came with me on the outing so he could try on the various seatbelt models that would be available. The first stop was PetSmart but they were completely wiped out. Next, we ventured on to Target in the same strip mall. I called first to make sure Buster was allowed in but unfortunately we left that store empty handed as well.
We called over to Walmart but after being on hold for 10 minutes I called over to a local Petco to see if they had any in stock. Luckily they just got a shipment so we were able to try on a few different types before picking out the perfect one.
With all things it will take Buster some getting used to wearing this, but I'll be able to rest easier knowing my little bud is safe and secure in the car.
Buster came with me on the outing so he could try on the various seatbelt models that would be available. The first stop was PetSmart but they were completely wiped out. Next, we ventured on to Target in the same strip mall. I called first to make sure Buster was allowed in but unfortunately we left that store empty handed as well.
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Buster's first time at Target |
With all things it will take Buster some getting used to wearing this, but I'll be able to rest easier knowing my little bud is safe and secure in the car.
"But it's a Dog..."
There's a running joke with my family that Buster is "just a dog." Of course, they also love him like he's the baby of the family.. which of course he is.
The joke started back around the holidays when people were showing off pictures of their kids. Of course I love the little babies that were proudly showcased by their folks, but I decided to have fun and bring out some pictures of Buster -- only to my grandmother and great aunt so I didn't seem like a total loon. My grandmother loves Buster but my aunt definitely isn't a pet fan, so when she saw the pictures of Buster her immediate reaction was "but it's a dog?" Yes, he is, but then I flipped to the next picture to point out how cute he is in the other shot and then proceeded to tell her about something funny he did earlier that day.
When I saw this post on Facebook I had to share it because it explains perfectly how a dog is so much more than that to us and always will be.
The joke started back around the holidays when people were showing off pictures of their kids. Of course I love the little babies that were proudly showcased by their folks, but I decided to have fun and bring out some pictures of Buster -- only to my grandmother and great aunt so I didn't seem like a total loon. My grandmother loves Buster but my aunt definitely isn't a pet fan, so when she saw the pictures of Buster her immediate reaction was "but it's a dog?" Yes, he is, but then I flipped to the next picture to point out how cute he is in the other shot and then proceeded to tell her about something funny he did earlier that day.
When I saw this post on Facebook I had to share it because it explains perfectly how a dog is so much more than that to us and always will be.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Lenten Promises
I'm usually not the best with keeping resolutions so coming up with something to do or give up for Lent can be difficult. This year I decided to give up ice cream and coffee - two hard choices for me. I did break down one night with ice cream (more so because I needed the freezer space) but have been holding strong with the coffee. I don't really drink it at home but in the morning and at work is tough - especially when I get a whiff of a brew that smells really good or need a jolt of caffeine. Needless to say, I'm counting down until I can enjoy a cup of coffee again.
He's a Keeper
Yesterday my boss sent me a really sweet note to congratulate me on the major placements I've landed for multiple clients. I shared this good news with Rob who then surprised me with the nice bouquet of flowers. Despite him driving me crazy at times, it's days like this when I remember he's a keeper.
Just another day at the office..
Well, not every day is like St. Patrick's Day, but my company knows how to party on March 17. We have a Cube Crawl Contest, when the office shuts down after 3pm and teams compete against each other for the most festive area. This year the health team represented with "Let's Get Blarney Stoned" which featured the Blarney Stone (a keg for keg stands), Bagpiper Bill, lots of yummy food and specialty drinks. We were in hot competition for the number one team in the office voting contest, but another group that brought in a dance troupe and hired a leprechaun won by one vote. Below are some shots from this year's event:
Despite a lot of fun nights in college, this was my first time actually going to buy a keg of beer. Magically it fit in my little Mazda but since we didn't kick the entire keg during work I brought it to a party we went to on Friday night, a St. Pat's dinner party on Saturday, and then another get together after that. I definitely gave people a chuckle when I offered the beer in my backseat, but hey, that's how I roll :)
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Bagpiper Bill leads the parade around the office |
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The little leprechaun waits for his turn to shine |
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Irish Step Dancer Performance |
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Kevin kissing the Blarney Stone while Bagpiper Bill provides live entertainment |
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"The Blarney Stone" |
Fun with Buster
Saturday, February 18, 2012
A Week in Killington, VT
A year after we got married Rob taught me how to ski and I've been hooked ever since. However, I will admit that I'm not a daredevil skier; I enjoy the easy and intermediate trails and prefer to ski when the conditions are good rather than sliding on ice. I guess it's because I'm getting on in years and can't afford to be out for an injury.
Any who.. last year I sucked it up my fears of going to a bigger mountain and we took our first big ski trip up to Smugglers Notch up by Stowe, Vermont with some friends. To continue in the tradition, this year we took another Vermont ski trip and ended up at Killington with another couple we're good friends with.
Although they had plenty of trails open while we were there, the conditions weren't the best. When we went to Smuggs there was fresh powder which is awesome to ski on. Since this winter hasn't been that cold or snowy, it was somewhat icy up on the mountain. They'd groom but it was definitely frozen granular and there were even giant chunks of icy mixed up in the snow, which definitely wasn't fun when my ski tripped over one and resulted in me taking my first tumble of my skiing "career."
Despite the conditions we still had a great time and landed an awesome townhouse on the mountain. We had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, an awesome kitchen, living room, dining room and fireplace, The appliances were even pretty great - we had all stainless steel in the kitchen and large plasmas throughout the house. The master bathroom even had a jacuzzi bathtub that's bigger than my master closet at home! The house was also conveniently located across from the indoor community pool and hot tub. Since we were there mid-week we had the place all to ourselves, so afternoon hot tub runs were quickly chosen as the perfect way to unwind.
Below are a few pictures from our trip, which was over our birthdays. Yes, we're in our last year of our 20s and it sucks.
Any who.. last year I sucked it up my fears of going to a bigger mountain and we took our first big ski trip up to Smugglers Notch up by Stowe, Vermont with some friends. To continue in the tradition, this year we took another Vermont ski trip and ended up at Killington with another couple we're good friends with.
Although they had plenty of trails open while we were there, the conditions weren't the best. When we went to Smuggs there was fresh powder which is awesome to ski on. Since this winter hasn't been that cold or snowy, it was somewhat icy up on the mountain. They'd groom but it was definitely frozen granular and there were even giant chunks of icy mixed up in the snow, which definitely wasn't fun when my ski tripped over one and resulted in me taking my first tumble of my skiing "career."
Despite the conditions we still had a great time and landed an awesome townhouse on the mountain. We had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, an awesome kitchen, living room, dining room and fireplace, The appliances were even pretty great - we had all stainless steel in the kitchen and large plasmas throughout the house. The master bathroom even had a jacuzzi bathtub that's bigger than my master closet at home! The house was also conveniently located across from the indoor community pool and hot tub. Since we were there mid-week we had the place all to ourselves, so afternoon hot tub runs were quickly chosen as the perfect way to unwind.
Below are a few pictures from our trip, which was over our birthdays. Yes, we're in our last year of our 20s and it sucks.
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Rob, me, Mike and Jacki stop for a picture before heading down the mountain |
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At the top of Killington Peak - more than 4200 feet up! |
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Another shot from the top of Killington Peak. |
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Killington, VT from our place in the Fall Line Condos. |
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Loved the roaring fires we had going each day. |
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Valentine's Day
Although most holidays have gotten overly commercial, Valentine's Day is particularly nauseating since it ends up being a show-off competition of who got fancy flowers, expensive chocolates, jewelery or was taken out for a lavish meal. Maybe it wasn't as noticeable before social media blew up, but it was crazy how my Facebook stream was filled with photos of all the gifts people received on February 14.
In my opinion, if you love someone you shouldn't need a particular day to remind them of that. And, if you're single the last thing you'd want is a day to remind you that you don't have a significant other to shower you with gifts.
I don't need a special day for Rob to let him know he loves me, but I was very appreciative when he came home with a gorgeous bouquet of roses and I received a beautiful card and chocolates from my dad. I'm still not a fan of this holiday, but it's nice to be included in the lovey dovey day so many enjoy.
In my opinion, if you love someone you shouldn't need a particular day to remind them of that. And, if you're single the last thing you'd want is a day to remind you that you don't have a significant other to shower you with gifts.
I don't need a special day for Rob to let him know he loves me, but I was very appreciative when he came home with a gorgeous bouquet of roses and I received a beautiful card and chocolates from my dad. I'm still not a fan of this holiday, but it's nice to be included in the lovey dovey day so many enjoy.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
My take on the movie "Water for Elephants"
I know it's been out for a while but I finally had a chance to sit down and watch Water for Elephants, a movie about a vet student who joins a traveling circus after his parents are killed in a car accident.
Although the movie had some good parts, like how the members are like a family, it just reminded me of why I don't like the circus: cruelty to animals. I'm sure circus owners will say how well they treat the animals and the people who work for them; however, behind this love story the movie explains how it's all about the money. The animals were fed old food, forced to work when they were dying, had their teeth removed and were horribly beaten for various reasons. Sure it was nice to watch Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattison (although I'm definitely not a Pattison freak), but the way the poor little elephant, Rosie, gets beaten by the owner was absolutely sickening.
I've been to the circus maybe twice in my life - both times with Rob since he enjoys that "stuff" - but after seeing this movie I can safely say I will never, ever go again.
Although the movie had some good parts, like how the members are like a family, it just reminded me of why I don't like the circus: cruelty to animals. I'm sure circus owners will say how well they treat the animals and the people who work for them; however, behind this love story the movie explains how it's all about the money. The animals were fed old food, forced to work when they were dying, had their teeth removed and were horribly beaten for various reasons. Sure it was nice to watch Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattison (although I'm definitely not a Pattison freak), but the way the poor little elephant, Rosie, gets beaten by the owner was absolutely sickening.
I've been to the circus maybe twice in my life - both times with Rob since he enjoys that "stuff" - but after seeing this movie I can safely say I will never, ever go again.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Closet Clean-Out
Over the past few weeks I've been on a cleaning rampage in the house. It all started when I saw this awesome organizational rack at Costco. It's a metal shelf on wheels with four rows, all of which came with different size plastic tubs. After ooh-ing and ahh-ing at this for a few days, I broke down and we got it since it would be perfect for our back room.
It wasn't the most exciting day of our time off, but we spent an entire afternoon cleaning out a back storage room in our house. It's crazy how much stuff you accumulate over time and we needed to seriously organize what we had in that room and just take inventory since I found we were buying things we had a lot of (thanks to buying in bulk for the past four years).
Below are a few shots of the before:
Now these are shots of the after:
It made such a big difference and know I know we don't need to buy cleaning supplies or paper good for the next few years!
After that project, I started cleaning out linen closets, drawers, shelves of old photos and even the kitchen pantry. I've definitely been on a cleaning spree lately and it feels great since I love having things organized :)
It wasn't the most exciting day of our time off, but we spent an entire afternoon cleaning out a back storage room in our house. It's crazy how much stuff you accumulate over time and we needed to seriously organize what we had in that room and just take inventory since I found we were buying things we had a lot of (thanks to buying in bulk for the past four years).
Below are a few shots of the before:
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This is stuff that I moved out of the back room before taking the picture |
It made such a big difference and know I know we don't need to buy cleaning supplies or paper good for the next few years!
After that project, I started cleaning out linen closets, drawers, shelves of old photos and even the kitchen pantry. I've definitely been on a cleaning spree lately and it feels great since I love having things organized :)
Check-in on Resolutions
Although it's only been a little over two weeks into the new year, I've already made progress on some of my 2012 resolutions. I've been much better about not texting or playing with my phone while driving; have been good with keeping in touch with family members (I even spent my whole day off helping my youngest brother, Joe, study for mid-terms); am constantly trying to straighten my posture; and have already tried out two new recipes.
Rob is always my test dummy when it comes to recipes, so I try to make something that he'll like. Lately he's been a fan of salmon, so last night I made salmon with a yogurt-dill sauce. Rob wans't a huge fan but I think it's because he's not a fan of Greek yogurt, which is what I used. He did enjoy - and devour - the homemade sesame -pecan crusted chicken tenders I made for Sunday's Giants game. I was surprised how easy they were to make, but considering how fattening they are I don't think I'll be making those too often. Then again, most of the fat came from the peanuts, which have protein, so I guess it wasn't too bad.
And, as an addendum to the resolution, I'm going to try to be better about taking pictures of the dishes I make so these posts aren't just text.
Rob is always my test dummy when it comes to recipes, so I try to make something that he'll like. Lately he's been a fan of salmon, so last night I made salmon with a yogurt-dill sauce. Rob wans't a huge fan but I think it's because he's not a fan of Greek yogurt, which is what I used. He did enjoy - and devour - the homemade sesame -pecan crusted chicken tenders I made for Sunday's Giants game. I was surprised how easy they were to make, but considering how fattening they are I don't think I'll be making those too often. Then again, most of the fat came from the peanuts, which have protein, so I guess it wasn't too bad.
And, as an addendum to the resolution, I'm going to try to be better about taking pictures of the dishes I make so these posts aren't just text.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Getting 'Sappy' about our Christmas Trees
At the start of the holiday season I always say I don't want to get a big tree since they're so much work and are getting more expensive as the years go on. I'd be an advocate for a fake tree but we don't have the space in our townhome for a large fake tree and, despite his allergies, Rob's a fan of getting a real one so I lose the battle. I will admit I enjoy having it in the house once it's there and enjoy decorating it, but when it's time to take the tree down in early January I can't help but get upset that we're tossing out a perfectly good tree, as each year we've been very fortunate that our trees haven't died while we've had them up.
I know it's crazy to admit, but I'll say hi to the tree in the morning and thank it for being in our home for the holidays when we take it down in January. When it comes time to bring it to the curb, I have a personal moment of silence for this pretty tree, which got cut from its roots so we could toss some lights and decorations on it. And, when I walk Buster I'll swing by the garbage to see the tree and say "hi." I know it's not a real being but I still feel bad for the tree, who grew for 7+ years so someone could cut it down for our own purposes instead of providing better air for the earth.
Thanks to this year's Noble Tree from Home Depot, which was in our home from November 25 through January 7. You didn't shed many needles - my vacuum and I thank you.
I know it's crazy to admit, but I'll say hi to the tree in the morning and thank it for being in our home for the holidays when we take it down in January. When it comes time to bring it to the curb, I have a personal moment of silence for this pretty tree, which got cut from its roots so we could toss some lights and decorations on it. And, when I walk Buster I'll swing by the garbage to see the tree and say "hi." I know it's not a real being but I still feel bad for the tree, who grew for 7+ years so someone could cut it down for our own purposes instead of providing better air for the earth.
Thanks to this year's Noble Tree from Home Depot, which was in our home from November 25 through January 7. You didn't shed many needles - my vacuum and I thank you.
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Last photo of the tree before the decorations started to come down. |
Homemade Gingerbread Cookies
Since I had time off around the holidays I decided to experiment with some new cookie recipes. I'm always up for a challenge and my Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer makes preparing recipes from scratch SO much easier.
One of the recipes I embarked on was homemade gingerbread cookies. I've made a house from scratch before and I love gingersnaps, so I figured this would be a fun time and decorating could keep me busy. I was surprised at how long the gingerbread dough mix needed to sit for, but it gave me the chance to make the dough one night and then actually cut, bake and decorate the cookies the next day.
After buying all of the ingredients I think it's more economical to just buy the cookies. I'm sure there are easier recipes out there, but this one worked fine. At least I had fun trying out a new recipe!
One of the recipes I embarked on was homemade gingerbread cookies. I've made a house from scratch before and I love gingersnaps, so I figured this would be a fun time and decorating could keep me busy. I was surprised at how long the gingerbread dough mix needed to sit for, but it gave me the chance to make the dough one night and then actually cut, bake and decorate the cookies the next day.
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The cookies after being baked |
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Homemade vanilla icing |
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Time to make another color icing. I was shocked at how much food coloring was used just to get it to this pink color! |
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The finished product |
After buying all of the ingredients I think it's more economical to just buy the cookies. I'm sure there are easier recipes out there, but this one worked fine. At least I had fun trying out a new recipe!
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