Although most holidays have gotten overly commercial, Valentine's Day is particularly nauseating since it ends up being a show-off competition of who got fancy flowers, expensive chocolates, jewelery or was taken out for a lavish meal. Maybe it wasn't as noticeable before social media blew up, but it was crazy how my Facebook stream was filled with photos of all the gifts people received on February 14.
In my opinion, if you love someone you shouldn't need a particular day to remind them of that. And, if you're single the last thing you'd want is a day to remind you that you don't have a significant other to shower you with gifts.
I don't need a special day for Rob to let him know he loves me, but I was very appreciative when he came home with a gorgeous bouquet of roses and I received a beautiful card and chocolates from my dad. I'm still not a fan of this holiday, but it's nice to be included in the lovey dovey day so many enjoy.
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