Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lenten Promises

I'm usually not the best with keeping resolutions so coming up with something to do or give up for Lent can be difficult. This year I decided to give up ice cream and coffee - two hard choices for me. I did break down one night with ice cream (more so because I needed the freezer space) but have been holding strong with the coffee. I don't really drink it at home but in the morning and at work is tough - especially when I get a whiff of a brew that smells really good or need a jolt of caffeine. Needless to say, I'm counting down until I can enjoy a cup of coffee again.

He's a Keeper

Yesterday my boss sent me a really sweet note to congratulate me on the major placements I've landed for multiple clients. I shared this good news with Rob who then surprised me with the nice bouquet of flowers. Despite him driving me crazy at times, it's days like this when I remember he's a keeper.

Just another day at the office..

Well, not every day is like St. Patrick's Day, but my company knows how to party on March 17. We have a Cube Crawl Contest, when the office shuts down after 3pm and teams compete against each other for the most festive area. This year the health team represented with "Let's Get Blarney Stoned" which featured the Blarney Stone (a keg for keg stands), Bagpiper Bill, lots of yummy food and specialty drinks. We were in hot competition for the number one team in the office voting contest, but another group that brought in a dance troupe and hired a leprechaun won by one vote. Below are some shots from this year's event:

Bagpiper Bill leads the parade around the office

The little leprechaun waits for his turn to shine

Irish Step Dancer Performance

Kevin kissing the Blarney Stone while Bagpiper Bill provides live entertainment

"The Blarney Stone"
Despite a lot of fun nights in college, this was my first time actually going to buy a keg of beer. Magically it fit in my little Mazda but since we didn't kick the entire keg during work I brought it to a party we went to on Friday night, a St. Pat's dinner party on Saturday, and then another get together after that. I definitely gave people a chuckle when I offered the beer in my backseat, but hey, that's how I roll :)

Fun with Buster

I'm glad he's such a good boy and puts up with my craziness. Don't you love his up-do?

Which one is Buster?