Thursday, June 30, 2016

Baby #2 Due 2-22

The last time I blogged was right before I had Anthony, and it has been a whirlwind since. We've enjoyed every second with our precious little guy and have had so much fun watching his personality unfold over these last few years. In addition to being handsome, smart, loving, funny, passionate, friendly and a picky eater, he's also become very independent. He's potty trained, can get snacks for himself, can tell me what's bothering him if he's sick, and we overall have a great time together. I'm glad we had that special time together because in 9 months he will become a big brother. He jokes that there's a chipmunk in mommy's belly - probably because there are a bunch of chipmunks in our backyard. But nonetheless I think he will be a big help with his little brother or sister.

I told Rob we were expecting on Father's Day. The month before we decided it was a good time to start trying to expand our family and then a few weeks later - boom - the test was positive. Never in a million years did I expect it to happen that fast, especially because it took a while with Anthony. But I'm very excited for Baby #2 to arrive in February - due Wednesday, Feb. 22. 2017. I found out when I was four weeks along and we went to the doctor a day shy of week four. On week 8 we go for our first sonogram - can't wait to see the little one then!

People say things change when you have baby #2 - less pictures, you know what to expect, etc. But I still think it would be nice to document the journey again. So here we go!

How far along?: 6 weeks
Total weight gain: 0
How big is baby?: Estimated to be about the size of a blueberry
Maternity clothes?: No way, though I definitely feel like I have a pouch more than before
Sleep?: Yes - I'm likely asleep by 10:30 these days.. big change from before.
Best moment this week?: Going to the doctor to confirm
Movement?: He or she is just getting cozy; too small for movement
Food cravings?: Not yet, but I just took a bite of Taylor Ham and it totally turned my stomach (which is probably a good thing)
Labor signs?: None for a long time
Belly button in or out?: Innie
What I miss: Coffee
What I'm looking forward to: Telling our families and friends
Milestone: We're pregnant and Anthony will be a big brother!
Note: I do feel more queasy in the mornings, especially if I don't eat. And I'm also paranoid about this Zika virus!