Monday, May 6, 2013

Tick Tock.. 39 Weeks Today!

Week 38 Recap

How far along?: 39 weeks today

Total weight gain: According to the scale this morning I'm around 21 pounds, which means I lost a few over the last week

How big is baby?: 38: Celery Bunch; Week 39: Mini Watermelon

Sleep?: Still get sleep at night but have a hard time falling back to sleep after my bathroom trips, which range from 1-3 times per night

Best moments?: Going out for a fun dinner with friends (Melissa, Dan, Serenella and Mike)

Worst moments: This is a new category but I felt the need to document two things I'm not too happy about. 
1) I'm not sure if it's allergies or a head cold from Rob, but I haven't been able to deal with the amount of sneezing that's come along with whatever I have so I took a Zyrtec, which is on my doctor's list of okay meds. It has helped a little but I still feel horrible for taking something since I've held out on taking medications the rest of the pregnancy. I am just so afraid I'm going to sneeze the baby out since I can't seem to stop. From pains in my side to slightly peeing my pants, consistently sneezing while 9+ months pregnant sucks! 
2) Another not so fun part of this past week was getting my TDAP shot. I was on the fence about it for a while since I'm not a fan of getting shots (I can tolerate the pain but don't like adding crap to my body - even getting the flu shot was a huge step for me this year) but decided to get it since it will protect the baby. The shot left my arm in pain for a few days, which I guess is normal, but I'm hoping this cold/headache thing isn't a crazy side effect too.

Movement?: He still moves around but not as much or as painful. Maybe that means he's getting tight on space

Food cravings?: Nothing really..

Food aversions: None..

Labor signs?: I think I've had some Braxton Hicks contractions and lower back pain but otherwise no labor signs

Belly button in or out?: Depends on how he's laying. Some days it's half out and others its flat. Doesn't matter to me either way.. it's an expected part of pregnancy!

What I miss: Regular clothes, being able to go for a run, not feeling guilty about taking medications if I'm sick

Milestones: My son is due one week from today!