Monday, April 22, 2013

36 Week Recap

Week 36 Recap
How far along?: 37 Weeks today

Total weight gain: 22 pounds

How big is baby?: Week 36: Coconut; Week 37: Leek

Sleep?: Occassionally getting up in the middle of the night for the bathroom. Some nights its easier to get back to sleep than others

Best moments?: Getting to see the baby last Monday. Next time I see him should be when he's here! We also went to a wedding on Saturday (4/20) and had a great time with friends. I was able to last all night dancing in high heels and still felt great. That will be one of the last times we head out without having to worry about the baby (at least until the next wedding in August!)

Movement?: Yep. Still bouncing around and some kicks are pretty tough. I'm thinking future soccer player or boxer is nesting in there..

Food cravings?: I could go for some ice cream or sherbert

Food aversions: None

Labor signs?: Nothing yet.. but now I'm more nervous about every pain or kick.

Belly button in or out?: Somewhat flat but the top occassionally pops out a little depending on his position

What I miss: If I had to say something, it's not having to worry about everything I eat or drink but it's manageable. I feel like I haven't had too much to complain about with this pregnancy. I've been very lucky!

Milestones: Being full term and asking Joey to be the baby's godfather on Saturday.

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