Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Family Planning

As far as family planning goes, this has been a big month for us. After several years I finally went off the pill. We're still being careful until we know we're ready to start trying, but going off the pill was a big step to being on our way. It's also exciting to have serious conversations with Rob about family life and what we both want in the next few years.

I'm also so excited Rob is finally starting to talk seriously about it too. He's usually a goof ball, but one of our friends just let us know we're invited to their wedding next June, and when I told Rob his reaction was "think we can bring Anthony?" (that's what I'd like to name a baby if it's a boy). Obviously he or she wouldn't be here by then, but his little comment totally made my day.

Fingers crossed for some good news tomorrow, which will impact whether or not we start trying sooner rather than later!


  1. I want to spoil a tiny tiny nephew. or niece. as long as he/she is healthy.

  2. Such a sweet comment from Rob. I'm so excited!
