Thursday, August 12, 2010

Buster's Oddities

Anyone who knows me knows I love my dog, Buster. He has quite the personality but today he's been doing things that make me laugh and get frustrated at the same time. It's nothing out of the ordinary, but it's just been one thing after the other tonight:

1) Like most dogs, he hates to go out in the rain. Instead of going out quickly to do his business, he lags behind making both of us more wet. He still didn't do number two because of the drizzle outside.
2) We recently got wood floors on the main level of our house. When he's in a hurry he slip slides around and looks like he's on ice, slowly scratching my new floors in the process. Ugh.
3) Another feature of the wood floors he doesn't like are the three front stairs. He refuses to go up them. It's not like he doesn't try, but I think he gets freaked out that he might slip on them. It's comical when he runs to the front door when someone is there because he can't get back up the stairs once our guests are actually in. We then have to carry him up so he's not stuck in the foyer.
4) I'm not sure if it's because he's a momma's boy, but Buster refuses to go anywhere without me or Rob. He just woke me up because he was thirsty and didn't want to go down to the kitchen by himself. The lights were already on, but once I started to head downstairs he raced ahead of me and went slip sliding into the kitchen straight towards his bowl.
5) When people say a dog is like having a baby, they're not kidding. He'll wake me up at 3am to go to the bathroom. It's better than him having an accident in the house, but waking up at that time with work in a few hours isn't my cup of tea.
6) If we don't want Buster roaming around when we're not home we'll close him in the guest room. He has a comfy bed and a nice view of the neighborhood, which beats being locked in his cage. Without fail every time he's in there my little Buster tosses the stuffed animals off the bed and rearranges the pillows to his liking. If you know me you know I like to have my house in order, so every day when I get home from work I put everything back in its place.. just so he can make a mess of it again the next day.

I guess if he didn't depend on me I'd be kind of bummed. At least my little guy makes me laugh in the process.

Above is a picture of Buster on the guest bed before he decides to redecorate for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Buster looks like one of your stuffed animals! So cute!
