Last Wednesday night Rob was supposed to be working late so I figured it would be a great time for me to catch up with my grandmother. I haven't talked to her in a while so we had a lot to chat about.
Around 8pm I see that Rob is calling and thought it was just to tell me he was on his way home. He called again a few minutes later, and based on our nightly talks figured he was bored and wanted someone to chat with. Then the second line of the house phone rings, but I can't see who it is off the caller ID so I ignore it.
Long story short, after catching up with my grandma I speak to Rob's sister who starts the conversation with "Don't worry, Rob's okay." She goes on to tell me that he was driving home and got hit by a drunk driver. Automatically my heart sinks and I start panicking. After speaking to him, he was physically fine - just shook up and his car was damaged.
Th guy who hit him was so drunk he rammed into Rob's car, causing his car to spin, and then he bounced off Rob and into another car. Turns out it wasn't this idiot's first offense for driving drunk, and he was well over the legal alcohol level - I think the police report said he was a .2!
Thank God Rob's okay. Next time, I'll be sure to answer the call when the phone rings!
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