Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Buster's Birthday Weekend: Fail

I always like to do something special for Buster's birthday, Oct. 29. Among the highlights, I always like to make sure he gets a variety of yummy treats, a special dinner, and most importantly, family time where he is the total center of attention.

This year his 7th birthday fell on a Saturday. It started off with a rabies shot (very bad day for the town to hold this.. didn't they know it was my little boy's birthday?) To top it off, a freak October snowstorm was coming up the east coast and was threatening to dump over a foot of snow in our area. I was bummed because I wanted to take Buster on a long walk by the Delaware Water Gap that day but he enjoyed playing in the fresh snow. As long as he was happy and I was spending time with my bud, that's all that mattered to me. We were just missing "daddy" who was running around for Halloween stuff with our niece and nephew.

Part of the birthday plan was to have a nice steak dinner with Rob and Buster, but unfortunately that idea went down the drain when we lost power at 6pm. In the 4.5 years we've lived in our townhouse, we rarely lost power for an extended period of time but this freak storm decided it was going to knock out power in millions of homes throughout the tri-state area, resulting in us not having heat or power for five long days. There were so many trees down it seriously looked like a hurricane tore apart our neighborhood. Some were even split down the middle from the weight of the snow and leaves. It was also pretty freaky driving through areas and not seeing any lights. It reminded me of the movie "Contagion" where everyone evacuates their homes in the hopes that they can survive.

We toughed it out at home for the first two nights but since the temperatures were dropping and Rob was getting the onset of a stomach bug we called around for a hotel room, where we were able to stay on Monday and Tuesday night. Since I wasn't going to leave my little birthday boy alone all day when I was at work, and then again at night while we were warm in a hotel, we packed him up and brought him along. He was such a good boy! Not one bark or accident for the few hours he was there. I think he was just thrilled to be warm and with us, although by the second day I think he was getting tired of being shoved into a duffle bag and covered with a blanket:

Day 1: Very excited for heat and lights             Day 2: That's one pissed off pup!

After checking JCP&L's website dozens of times throughout the day, keeping in touch with friends in the area, and checking Facbeook constantly to see who was bragging that they got power back on, I was elated when I found out we got our power back late Wednesday night. I swear, I never would have thought I'd be that happy to clean my fridges or my house. All in all, we had to dump a few hundred dollars in food, including the fresh filet migons from Omaha Steaks that I was going to make for Buster's birthday dinner. Luckily, I was able to save some frozen items since a good friend up the street had power and let me store food in her spare freezer.

Hopefully Buster's 8th birthday will be better than his 7th. Sorry, little guy, for your birthday being an epic fail. At least we were all together!

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