A year after we got married Rob taught me how to ski and I've been hooked ever since. However, I will admit that I'm not a daredevil skier; I enjoy the easy and intermediate trails and prefer to ski when the conditions are good rather than sliding on ice. I guess it's because I'm getting on in years and can't afford to be out for an injury.
Any who.. last year I sucked it up my fears of going to a bigger mountain and we took our first big ski trip up to Smugglers Notch up by Stowe, Vermont with some friends. To continue in the tradition, this year we took another Vermont ski trip and ended up at Killington with another couple we're good friends with.
Although they had plenty of trails open while we were there, the conditions weren't the best. When we went to Smuggs there was fresh powder which is awesome to ski on. Since this winter hasn't been that cold or snowy, it was somewhat icy up on the mountain. They'd groom but it was definitely frozen granular and there were even giant chunks of icy mixed up in the snow, which definitely wasn't fun when my ski tripped over one and resulted in me taking my first tumble of my skiing "career."
Despite the conditions we still had a great time and landed an awesome townhouse on the mountain. We had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, an awesome kitchen, living room, dining room and fireplace, The appliances were even pretty great - we had all stainless steel in the kitchen and large plasmas throughout the house. The master bathroom even had a jacuzzi bathtub that's bigger than my master closet at home! The house was also conveniently located across from the indoor community pool and hot tub. Since we were there mid-week we had the place all to ourselves, so afternoon hot tub runs were quickly chosen as the perfect way to unwind.
Below are a few pictures from our trip, which was over our birthdays. Yes, we're in our last year of our 20s and it sucks.
Rob, me, Mike and Jacki stop for a picture before heading down the mountain |
At the top of Killington Peak - more than 4200 feet up! |
Another shot from the top of Killington Peak. |
Killington, VT from our place in the Fall Line Condos. |
Loved the roaring fires we had going each day. |