Sunday, September 26, 2010

Quality time with the little ones

The highlight of this past weekend was spending time with my niece and nephew, who are 3 years old and 9 months old.

We had our community wide garage sale on Saturday so my sister-in-law came down to sell some stuff at our house. She brought my niece, who decided jumping on me and requesting to make cookies would be a fun wake up call. It's hard to say no to that cute little face so I dragged myself out of bed and we started baking. We also watched her favorite princess movie (Cinderella), blew bubbles and goofed off around the house while Rob and his sister were outside manning the sale. After my niece went home for a nap I got to spend some quality time with my absolutely adorable nephew, who fell asleep when I rocked him to in my arms (loved that moment!). Today, the fun continued when we went pumpking picking, hit up a local Octoberfest in Chester, and then went out to dinner.

It's a running joke that whenever we get together my niece prefers to hold my hand and be with me then the rest of the gang, and today was no exception. She gave everyone the boot on the dancefloor at Octoberfest except me, and as we were wrapping up dinner she had to go potty and requested I take her. Curious as to why I'm always the lucky one who gets to wipe her tushy when we're all together I asked her flat out and she said "Cause I like you a lot, Aunt Cole." It sounds silly but it melted my heart and was a great way to end a fun -- and exhausting -- weekend.

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