Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hi, my name is Nicole and I'm a neat freak

I was in a meeting the other day and the topic of how often you clean your house came up. As people started going around the room, their responses ranged from once a month to every few weeks and I think one person said they didn't even own a vacuum! I kind of felt like the odd man out, but I admitted I clean my house routinely at least once a week.

Ever since I was a kid I liked to have everything in it's place. One time when I was a kid I actually tried to not put things away but it was too irritating and I cleaned it up after 5 minutes of having things "out of place." One of my roommates in college was the same way, so we enjoyed switching jobs of who cleaned what each week. Even after graduating college, cleaning was still part of my weekend routine. Now by Sunday night I like to have the wash and ironing done, the floors vacuumed and clean, the whole place dusted and bathrooms scrubbed. I'm sure that will all change whenever we have kids, but for now I love the feeling of sitting back and knowing that my house is clean... and ready for company at a moment's notice.

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