Weeks 27 and 28
How far along?: 29 weeks today
Total weight gain: Same as last time - 16 pounds
How big is baby?: Week 27: Cauliflower; Week 28: Iceburg Lettuce; Week 29: Butternut Squash
Sleep?: Still sleeping okay, although it can be hard to fall asleep when I feel he's moving around in there. It's also tough to fall back to sleep after I doze off on the couch.
Best moment?: I went to a friends bachelorette party (dinner/sleepover) on Saturday night and it was awesome seeing how excited the girls were feeling him move.
Movement?: Now it's more like tsunami waves in my stomach more than kicks, although those jabs still happen pretty often. It's crazy when he shifts position and my stomach is completely uneven.
Other symptoms: Nothing too painful but after a trip to the dentist I was informed I have pregnancy gingivitis. I think it's mild because my teeth don't bleed when I brush them, but apparantely my gums are a little inflamed in certain spots. I also failed my 1 hour glucose test so I'm going tomorrow for the 3 hour. Fingers and toes crossed I don't have gestational diabetes. I feel like it's been one issue after the other with these stupid tests.
Food cravings?: None
Food aversions: None
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Still flat and I think it's slowly becoming an outie
How far along?: 29 weeks today
Total weight gain: Same as last time - 16 pounds
How big is baby?: Week 27: Cauliflower; Week 28: Iceburg Lettuce; Week 29: Butternut Squash
Sleep?: Still sleeping okay, although it can be hard to fall asleep when I feel he's moving around in there. It's also tough to fall back to sleep after I doze off on the couch.
Best moment?: I went to a friends bachelorette party (dinner/sleepover) on Saturday night and it was awesome seeing how excited the girls were feeling him move.
Movement?: Now it's more like tsunami waves in my stomach more than kicks, although those jabs still happen pretty often. It's crazy when he shifts position and my stomach is completely uneven.
Other symptoms: Nothing too painful but after a trip to the dentist I was informed I have pregnancy gingivitis. I think it's mild because my teeth don't bleed when I brush them, but apparantely my gums are a little inflamed in certain spots. I also failed my 1 hour glucose test so I'm going tomorrow for the 3 hour. Fingers and toes crossed I don't have gestational diabetes. I feel like it's been one issue after the other with these stupid tests.
Food cravings?: None
Food aversions: None
Labor signs?: None
Belly button in or out?: Still flat and I think it's slowly becoming an outie
What I miss: On Friday there were a few things I could have gone for after talking to people around the office: sushi, alcohol and hot yoga. It was a Friday during Lent so people had sushi all over the place, several of which were the spicy tuna rolls I love. That marked tease #1. Tease #2 was talking to someone about how great hot yoga is.. I'm counting down the months till I can take a class again. Our office did a happy hour in honor of National Margarita Day.. after the week I had I could totally have gone for a margarita, and they definitely didn't have any virgins.
Milestones: Starting the 3rd Trimester and getting the nursery set up. The crib, dresser and glider are all in and Rob did a great job getting the room ready. Now it's just a matter of slowly getting the stuff we need before he arrives!