Friday, September 10, 2010

A new meaning for word "promotion"

I went to visit my cousin Paige, aka Chickey, in the ICU after work tonight. I've been to the hospital many times to visit friends and family members but this was the first trip to the ICU. I got pretty emotional on my way to the hospital by just imagining what to expect of her condition compared to how I last saw her. She was always a bubbly, loving person with a passion for life and I had no idea what I was going to see.

When I arrived at the hospital and they tell me she is in room 213. So I head on up to the second floor. Room 218, 215, and then straight ahead I saw this girl laying in the bed with all of these tubes. I'm still a good length away but start balling. I'm glad she wasn't able to see me so upset because she would say 'Nicole, why are you crying?'

There was a very sweet guy, Don, sitting with her when I went to visit. He worked with Chickey for about 30 years. He was by her side for a while that afternoon and was able to update me on her condition - or to the best of his ability. Through my blurred vision from all my tears I see her vital signs displayed on the monitor, her fever, her slightly puffy hands, and all the tubes. It breaks my heart to see my cousin like that (technically she is my second cousin; she's my mom's first cousin).

Don and I got to chat about a variety of topics during my visit but one thing he said really stuck with me. He was talking about his family that passed on and referred to it as a 'promotion' because the next life is so much better. "This is like the trial run, and the real thing is what's up next." At least it put the possibility of something happening in a more positive light.

I just got off the phone with my mom, and we were both getting emotional about the situation with Chickey. Right now we can only pray that she comes out of it and is healthy. At the same time it's comforting to think about the wonderful life that lays ahead of her, and all of us, when we get 'promoted'.

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