Monday, September 6, 2010

Goodbye Summer 2010

As I wrap up Labor Day weekend and say farewell to Summer 2010, I can honestly say I had one of the most relaxing weekends of the summer these last few days.

On Saturday Rob and I did some stuff around the house, went up to the pool (it was freezing, which made forced me to read my book), and then came back to make homemade pizza, foccacia bread, and play some games out on the porch. It was cute to see Rob let back and enjoy a cigar and a few beers, too!

Sunday we went out to PA to see my grandparents, as well as my aunt, uncle and cousins. We were all having a good time until my grandmother got a call on her cell from my cousin's home - she was rushed to the hospital, where she was put on a respirator, sedated, and placed in ICU. Last time I wrote to cross my fingers it didn't work, so this time I'm asking to please say a prayer for my cousin to come out of everything OK. It's been such a rough year, I can't imagine anything else happening to someone I love.

Today we had a community picnic where I caught up with old friends and made a few new ones. After that we went to my Dad's house for a BBQ and to celebrate my little brother turning 14 this week. It's crazy to think that I was his age when he was born!

After a nice weekend like this I am not looking forward to getting back to work. Things at the office have been incredibly busy and stressful lately so I'm hoping this four day week flies by. The highlight of next weekend - my grandmother's 85th birthday party on Long Island!

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